Navigating Canine Enrichment title with 3 images of dogs sniffing sniffer enrichment balls on a Pale mint green with flowers background with the Handmade by Hayley B logo on the lower left and Sniffs & Spools logo on the lower right.

Welcome to Spools & Sniffs – our fun blog that will hopefully educate and assist you in your world as a dog owner/parent/guardian/human!

Navigating Canine Enrichment

When I first encountered the term “Canine Enrichment” it had me puzzled. What did this term mean and why is it important for my dog?  In this blog post I hope to navigate the field of Canine Enrichment and introduce you to some products made here at Handmade by Hayley B with your dog’s well-being at the forefront.

What is canine enrichment?

So lets start with the term Canine Enrichment, what does it mean and what does it do?  Canine Enrichment describes the process of providing dogs with activities and environments that stimulate their natural behaviours. The hope for enrichment activities is that they help to prevent boredom, reduce stress & anxiety, and ensure that dogs are happy, healthy, and well-adjusted.

What types of enrichment can I give my dog?

Enrichment comes in many different forms. You can use physical enrichment, such as a sniffari walk, where you allow your dog to take the lead and sniff their environment. Alternatively you can take your dog to a new location and let them explore.

At HMBHB we have a range of products that are designed with mental stimulation, sensory enrichment and nutritional enrichment in mind. By using our Sniffer Enrichment products you are dialling into the predation behaviour of using their noses to explore their world. This can cause a release of happy hormones and helps your dog become more relaxed, less anxious.

What Enrichment Products do you make?

I make a variety of different products to give your dog’s nose a workout!

Sniffer Enrichment Balls

Sniffer Enrichment Balls with a blue orange and black sniffer ball in the top left, a rainbow coloured sniffer ball on the bottom right and a springer spaniel sniffing a pink and white paws sniffer enrichment ball on the right hand side sniffing sniffer on a pale yellow background with the Handmade by Hayley B logo on the lower left and Sniffs & Spools logo on the lower right.

Sniffer Enrichment Balls (also known as Snuffle Balls) work by popping  dry food or treats in the folds and you let your dog sniff them out. The balls are designed to move with the dog avoiding the ability to cheat using their nose! Our balls come in 4 sizes – Mini, Small, Medium and Large. The hiding spots in our balls are as follows: Mini – 54; Small – 96; Medium – 112; Large – 96. The Small & Large have slightly looser folds so are easier to get into and these Sniffer Balls are great for breeds that may become frustrated. Mediums are slightly tighter in the folds and are designed for working breeds such as spaniels and collies, who may think they can cheat the game! Check out the collection here


Sniffer Enrichment Shapes

Sniffer Enrichment Shapes in Purple with a Hearts to Sniff, Sniff-around and Triangle Treaster down the left hand side and a springer spaniel wearing a plastic cone sniffing a triangle treatster sniffer shape on the right hand side sniffing sniffer on a pale yellow background with the Handmade by Hayley B logo on the lower left and Sniffs & Spools logo on the lower right.

This collection was developed by me for something simple to use but could provide stimulation to those on crate rest or restricted movement. The sniffer shapes can also be used as a change to other enrichment products you already own. The products in this range are the Sniff-a-round, Triangle Treatster and Heart to Sniff and the shapes come with 3 options – Circles, Hearts or Triangles. They come in 3 sizes – small, medium or large. The shapes are connected by a hidden fleece tie, which can be extended so that this ties to the bars on a crate. They work in a similar way to the Sniffer balls, where you pop dried food or treats between the shapes and let your dog sniff them out. Find the collection here

What benefits will enrichment bring to my dog?

By having an outlet for natural predation behaviours, you can see a positive impact on your dog. They may become better behaved as their frustration and boredom has decreased. Sniffing releases dopamine which is a happy chemical and as such your dog may become less anxious and stressed. Solving the sniffer enrichment ball or the sniffer shape can lead to your dog becoming more confident in general as they grow their ability to solve problems.

Enrichment in your dog’s life can reduce the risk of behavioural problems such as excessive barking, chewing, and digging, which often stem from boredom and frustration. Mental stimulation can also reduce anxiety and stress, leading to a happier and more content dog. You may also find that the nighttime routine is simpler as they have used up that last bit of mental energy before bed time!

Great so how do I start with Enrichment?

For canine enrichment to be a success you will need to consider the needs of your own dog.  Sniffer Enrichment Balls are designed to cater for most breeds and if you have for example bulldog I would recommend going for our looser folded larger ball design vs the medium where they may be frustrated as they struggle to fit their nose inside the fold. You will need to supervise your dog whilst they undertake any enrichment activity to ensure that the enrichment is being effective and enjoyable!

We hope this has helped provide you with some information on canine enrichment and ways you can enrich your dog’s life!


The words Love (in Pink Captials) Hayley B & Bracken (in black handwriting) with a pink pawprint.
Sniffs & Spools Dog Blog logo featuring pink and purple spools and silhouttes of dogs sniffing

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